Instead, the type information is provided by an external mechanism, more likely than not a WSDL document that uses XML schema to define exactly what types are used in the SOAP message. 取而代之的是,这些类型信息是由外部机制提供的,更像使用XMLschema来确切地定义SOAP消息中使用的类型的WSDL文档。
XML documents are valid when the structure of the tags and their content is validated by an external schema file. 当XML文档的标记结构和内容得到外部模式文件的验证后,XML文档就是正确的。
The external schema and the semantics of each transaction are formally specified. 每个事务的外部模式和语义都被正式指定。
To create an external table "et_customer" with the same schema as customer table with a delimiter "|", you can use the following DDL statement 要使用分隔符“”创建与customer表具有相同表模式的外部表“etcustomer”,可以使用以下DDL语句
The three external namespace declarations you have to make are WSDL, SOAP, and XSD ( XML Schema Definition). 三个必须做的外部名称空间声明是WSDL、SOAP和XSD(XML模式定义)。
This is due to the limitation regarding external schema described earlier, which prevents tool usage of the WSDL created automatically by the bus to describe the inbound service. 这是由于对先前描述的外部模式的限制所引起的,它阻止工具使用总线自动创建的WSDL描述入站服务。
Lotus Forms Designer now supports relative URIs, which allow data models to point to an external schema file. LotusFormsDesigner现在支持相对URI,这允许数据模型指向外部模式文件。
However, sometimes application updates also involve changes in external resources at the same time, such as database schema changes, a new shared library, or changes in queue manager definitions. 然而,应用程序更新有时需要同时对外部资源进行修改,比如数据库模式修改、一个新的共享库,或者对队列管理器定义的修改。
Having an external schema also makes it easier to share the schema with external tools or applications. 使用外部模式还有助于与外部工具或应用程序共享模式。
Unable to set external schema location when inline schema is used. 使用内联架构时无法设置外部架构位置。
The location of this external schema cannot be modified because the Types in this external schema are currently being used. 无法修改此外部架构的位置,因为当前正在使用此外部架构中的类型。
Schema: a base path is required to resolve external schema reference. 架构:要求基本路径以解析外部架构引用。
The internal mechanism of problem solving is the continuous two-way constructing process if internal and external representations of the problem solver who is affected by three functional cognitive components, i.e. schema, operation and meta-cognition. 而问题解决的内部机制表现为:在图式、操作和元认知这三个功能性认知成分的作用下,问题解决者内部表征与外部表征不断地进行双向建构的过程。
Array-based Database External Schema/ Schema Mapping and Its Application 基于数组的数据库外模式/模式映像及应用
Objects View and External Schema Software Pattern Reuse 对象视图与外模式
The external schema corresponds to the user-level view of the data of the database, one or a few users see the logic of an application-related data that the user application program manipulates data according to external schema. 外模式对应于用户级,是与某一应用有关的数据的逻辑表示,用户应用程序根据外模式进行数据操作。
In theory, application program development should focus on the external schema, and are actually for the logic schema at present, not the external schema. 在理论上,应用程序开发应该针对外模式,而目前实际上都是针对的逻辑模式,并非是在外模式。
In the process of reading, Comprehension of a message entails drawing information from both the external graphic message and the internal schemata until the two are reconciled as a single schema or message. 在不断阅读过程中,对文章的理解必须从外在文字信息和作者的内在图式结构两方面获取信息直到从两方面获得的信息结合成一种统一的图式或信息。